cambridge diet day 4

I forgot to post last night.

I had a vanilla shake in the morning and the night, with chicken and mushroom soup for lunch. For dinner I had some cod with veg and an egg. I find that fish defiantly fills me up more than chicken but I do love chicken so I will still be having that as well.

I haven't been getting headaches like my mom has, I think it is because I do drink a lot normally. I also have my tea in very large mugs which are about twice the size of a normal mug. I have about 3-4 cups of tea a day so I am drinking a lot of water normally.

I still seem to be losing a pound a day.

It is my mom's birthday on Friday, she is coming off the diet for the one day so she can have some birthday cake etc. I am not going to do this, I plan to stick to the diet even though it will be hard to say no to a bit of cheesecake but I have the will power to do it!


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